Accepting Imperfection

The summer is drawing to a close, the air smells like Fall, and it was chilly today.Our porch garden is starting to produce some veggies, and one little carrot we picked inspired me to create this garden themed print.

Being a perfectionist is a virtue in bookbinding. Attention to detail, precise cutting and stitching, careful gluing, these are essential to a well constructed book. Block prints are, in a lot of ways, messy and unrefined. The 
rustic quality of them is what makes them appealing. Granted, many artists make wonderfully perfect block prints, but not me. So, I embraced this and made several pamphlet journals adorned with my garden print.
 The perfectionist in me struggled against these books. I rejected several prints because I didn't like how they came out. I started to get picky about the paper inside being perfect, but in the end I relaxed and decided to leave the edges uneven. They are much better as they are.

Sometimes in art you have to let go.

♥ Jessica


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