Miniature Museum

In Tucson there is a little treasure. The Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures is so unique. When I was little I use to spend hours playing with my sister's and my dollhouses. My grandmother would make us furniture that fit perfectly in our dollhouses. Visiting this museum brought back many happy memories.

Look what I found at the museum. A mini pottery studio! I love it!

The artist who put this model together paid close attention to the scrap bin of clay, the potter's wheel and the tools.

If you are ever in Tucson check out the museum:)

American Craft Magazine

American Craft Magazine is one of my favorite magazines that I subscribe to. If you know me I love magazines. It helps me escape my everyday life into another world. In American Craft I read about other craft peoples struggles, successes and what is going on in the craft field all over the world. The photographs are amazing, the writers create articles that you don't want to end and the ads tell you about great up and coming gallery and museum shows.

Next time your at your local news stand pick up American Craft or check out their website American Craft and subscribe today!

Honey Dippin

When you start to feel the sting of the spring time allergies.
The best remedy is a drizzle of some local honey.
These honey pots are the buzz around town. Pick one up for your hive today.

Danbury Railway Museum

 The Danbury Railway Museum, located in Downtown Danbury Connecticut, is a treasure chest of old trains. I visited the museum last weekend to check out my friend Anne's photographs which are on display, and took some of my own while I was there. 

The museum is located in the old Danbury train station, and scenes from the movie "Stranger's on a Train" were filmed there. The best part of the museum is that they let you explore the rail yard and go inside a lot of the old trains. My favorite in the mail car. 

These photos were taken with expired Tmax 400 in my Minolta XG-M. I developed them with Ilfotec-DDX

♥ Jessica

Male Model Mug-A-Thon


Here is my husband modeling my latest line of tea and coffee mugs. Nothing makes a cool morning better than a hot mug filled with goodness.

These amazing mugs are also microwave, dishwasher and food safe.

There's nothing finer than a mug not made in China.

This one of kind mug might just get you that job promotion you always wanted.


New Britain Museum of American Art

A few weeks ago I visited the New Britain Museum of American Art. I had no idea this museum even existed until a friend suggested we go see their Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit.

One of my favorite sculptures at the museum is Don Quixote, right out front.

It's funny how a great museum could be so close I you don't even know it. I definitely recommend visiting the NBMAA if you are in the area. 

The Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit will be open until May 12, 2013.

♥ Jessica

The Incredible Reading Teapots

    Look at these smart little pots reading about where they came from.               (pssst....but really I made them)


Here in Connecticut we are all pretty sick of Winter. It snowed on Friday and then it was very warm this weekend. I hope it's a sign that spring is here. 

This is a picture of a frozen pond I took at some point this Winter. Sometimes when you shoot film it takes a while before you develop the pictures. I even developed some from Christmas this weekend. This picture was taken with my trusty Minolta-16.

I hope everyone out there is enjoying some nice weather!

♥ Jessica

Who ate all the chips and dips?

Nothing serves up your favorite snacks like my handmade chip and dip platters.

Get yours before there all gone.

Many Mini Vases OH MY!

Spring time is the best time for mini vases and fresh cut flowers.

This vase is dripping for a new home.

So pick up a mini vase for that special someone.

Oscar Party!

It was an honor to host this year's  2013 Oscar party!

Check out the spread on my handmade ceramic pots.

Who will take home the golden bunny????

And the winner of the Oscar party is.....Karen!!!
Thanks to everyone who attended, it was a blast.